Friday, December 4, 2015

Illustration for the December issue of Go!

Here is illustration for the December issue of Go! magazine. I deviated a bit from my usual style of bold outlines. The main reason being that I cleaned my Lamy fountain pen and really wanted to use it again. In this article, Toast Coetzer  revels in the delightful details of a South African December.
"The inviting prospect of the year’s final school bell. Long-awaited leave which is about to commence. Starting the car early one morning with your sights set on the seaside. Yup, nothing quite beats that December feeling..."

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Interesting project

November has turned out to be marathon length sprint, packed with interesting projects and manic deadlines. Among them, a three day graphic facilitation for Bain and company, South Africa ( It was an interesting job, for an interesting client with interesting content and the interesting thing is that I am not allowed to say anything about it because of the sensitivity of the information. So the best I can do is to post my drawings of the the workshop attendees and the view from the ninth floor of the hotel.